Monday, October 31, 2011

An Ode to the super nice bro :)

A lot can happen over a coffee.. ! Well I would say a lot can happen over a chocolate! Yep! That was my first conversation with him, in fact first argument! Well thanks to our common friend and yahoo and orkut and gtalk! I always found my college pretty boring types and out of the blue pops up this super nice guy! Well I would say he is super nice coz he has a super nice sister, that’s me ;)
24 days younger to me, who still calls me DEDE right from his heart! For the first time I ever felt an emotional touch when I’m called dede and trust me no one else can call me dede the way he does! He has filled the gap of 20 years so perfectly! The most decent awesome guy I ever met! Jeshuuuu.. as I call him..I am sure I’ve made him go crazy every time with my hopeless pathetic amazingly nothing talks.. Poor bro had to listen to em coz I’m his elder sis.. hehe..
What can I say about this nice guy? he's the maddy aka sid of the DCH gang..! One guy who loves to experiment his avatar! And I so remember the way I would wait see him in canteen and comment on it ;) His love for movies made him give a tribute to HEATH LEDGER! Our first face painting session ;) hehe in fact my first face painting, I have no idea what made him risk himself for it! I should say bro sis love :D an ardent rajini fan! I just can’t forget my interpretation I did comparing his pic with the thalapathi pic! I should say perfect! One person whom I can count on no matter how big the problem is or how stupid I messed up! He so knows me in and out that I just can’t defend me when he pulls my leg! And I should say thanks to my stunningly pathetic college for giving us few crazy incidents.
The most cherished incident would be the bus incident..! I don’t wanna talk about this and get caught with the cep of google! I’m sure we would be sued if at all I open my mouth about this in detail here..hehe ;) and the crazy chats online.. if at all you were paid for chatting I guess we would have been the richest :D and yeah one guy who is an epitome of patience, calmness, soft spoken, hardly found in fights or arguments.. yeah the proud owner of still having a coffee mug which is not replaced by beer mug  Man he dies for coffee..!Oops forgot to mention.. he is so tall and i can never reach his head..always i've to stand on a chair or so! and this guy keeps making fun of me for it..!
One guy who taught me wat not to do and how to handle crossroads in life! He is super sweet to hear all my mokkais right from shopping to friends to crushes to anything under the sun! Oops first person whom I actually listen to when someone advises me! One guy who has been with me in all problems and walks of life! I really don’t think there can be any better emotional punch bag I got! We get busy with time and the materialistic world, but he’s one guy who gives me surprises and always loves me forever not matter how stupid and crazy I grow! I really don’t think I can write all about him in one blog! I don’t wanna say a thanks to this super nice amazingly decent brother jeshu.. Love you loads.. yours ever crazy happy go Dede..

P.S: Thanks for the wonderful bday gift you gave me.. guess what none of us realized it yet.. including me.. so i should say a totally new bday after7 years!!! reminder I’m missing you jeshuuuuuu! Muaaahhh


  1. Nice Read.. Guess Jeshu is also lucky to have a sister like you..and if you are missing him , remember that all it takes is a phone call to bridge gaps.
    Take care

  2. @karthik: We do call each other.. but still i miss him coz i'm his crazy sis :D

  3. Lol.. That i cannot second ....that u are crazy ....heheh....but good to know that u have such loving and caring friends ain't easy to get such good friends and sustain that relationship for a long time...good going
    Take care

  4. @karthik: hehe yeahhhh blessed.. ;) touch wood :D

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  6. I'm da lucky sis i wud say :) thanks :)
