Friday, October 14, 2011

Fifiee & Me!

Sometimes you watch few movies and you feel like you are one among them! Well I was watching this English movie since I was bored and wasn’t sleepy. A movie which reminded me of my love! A relationship which lasted close to a year! The most memorable day of my life, 14th April,2009. She was first introduced at my home. Bought her in my small handbag!
My grandma first didn’t find her convincing but as days passed by she apparently feel for her cuteness. She was always smart and naughty which made us love her more. The entire family loved her for the way she was! She just proved to be incorrigible. This kinda of reminded my grandma of having babies at home where you keep all the glassware in the top. That’s exactly we did! She howls, knocks tables over, jumps on everyone, howls, chews up furniture and is a menace. She loves chewing her leash I wonder if it was tastier than pedigree! Well She used to be fed every 3 hours which means she needs to be taken for a walk every now and then for her pee pee poo poo! My friend who gifted me Fifiee was super excited and would sneak out of college just to spend quality time with her.

Well Fifiee was apparently trained by me, so she was naughty witty and smart! She used to chase him down and take the hell out of him until he get her the bone! Her boisterous attitude used to drive us crazy. We loved every bit of her! Her in built alarm for food! She had this crazy habit when it comes to eating. Her vet was like feed her this medicine so that she has a good appetite. Surprisingly she used to hog lot without them! She loves being a mess! I so remember that one day we locked her back home to attend some family function, and I found my entire study room filled with torn papers, broken furniture and my bean bag all torn up! I was just about to yell at her and all I could do is cuddle her up for that lovely affectionate jump,kisses and licks she gave me! Kati pudi vaithiyam! It did work on me! Days passes I saw her grew! But she never stopped her mad maniac jumps. She can never be a well mannered pup! And i love that! She was always jealous of my laptop and would nudge my elbow or stare at me constantly to get me to give her attention while I am sitting at my desk. Her only pass time was to run behind a crazy lizard, bark at the crows in the backyard and make the family go crazy playing silly catching games! Dogs make you feel what life is all about! They are the best companions! Then it was time to bid a bye..! She was back to her new home. Miss all those crazy ball games!

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